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Fiercely Free Fridays

Being Present...Due to the busy nature of our lives and the relentless demands of our time, we may discover that we are running on autopilot. Specifically, we may find ourselves thinking about the following responsibility on our plate vs. exercising gratitude for the "NOW" moment. For instance, have you been in the very midst of doing something and forgot what you were doing? Every so often, this is the consequence of our not taking intentional time to slow down our thoughts to appreciate the present task at hand and all that it entails. So, as we embrace the worth of "me-time" moments, let's add to our self-care toolkit the practical tip of purely being mindful and appreciative of the present moment. An awareness of the present empowers YOU to anchor YOURSELVES in the "NOW" moment.

Fierce Wellness Affirmation 'Be intentional to make sure YOUR wellness is YOUR

#1 priority! YOU Matter!'

6 Spiritual Wellness Ingredients

  1. Master the discipline of silence.

  2. Feel YOUR feelings.

  3. Listen without the need to respond.

  4. Starve YOUR distractions.

  5. Take time to unplug.

  6. Maintain healthy boundaries.

Call to Action

Based on the story your body is telling you, appreciate the little things in life instead of worrying about tomorrow's struggles that empower you to integrate one of the fierce wellness ingredients that nurture your MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT.

'Join the 'Me-Time Movement!'



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