Do you feel that you're on a journey with a greater desire to be more like Jesus? The Lord has pressed upon me for the last week how critical the condition of our hearts is to Him. While works have its place in our lives, God is concerned about our hearts as we go about our day-to-day activities as His agents.
It is essential that in the midst of ALL our doing that we don't overlook God’s requirement that we follow His instructions in 1) how; 2) what; and 3) why He is directing us. While I am big on purpose and passion, this next season, we are entering requires more than ever that we are on the journey and mission that God has planned for us. As I rest in His presence, He is gently reminding us that as we move forward, it will not be business as usual. Fear not! Be encouraged that there are some decisions and choices that will challenge whether we will choose to be guided by our thoughts; or, we allow the wisdomthat comes from God order our steps. We are His dear children, on our stages of growth, let us consider the steps we are taking.
Following God's Word, removing the distractions and listening to His small still, voice, positions us to live out His plan and purpose for our lives. However, and whatever He chooses to shift in our lives, God honors our obedience which brings blessings to us.
“By your words, I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.” — Psalm 119:105 (MSG)
Be encouraged that our tomorrow will be determined by the steps we take today. Click here:
#HeSpeaksbyHisSpirit #empowered2inspireYOU! #MindsetMatters #YOUMatter! #LivingFearlesslyandonPurpose!